BOYDS BEARS PLUSH - A ,,, B ,,, C ,,, and D
Prices are compiled from sales on internet websites and auctions.
They are only to act as a guide of what Boyds Bears "plush" teddy bears have previously sold for.
Disclaimer: As we try to be as accurate as possible. We are not responsible for misquotes, mistypes, or errors in this guide.
*If a particular bear is not listed here, it is because there is no sale information on it at this time.
A. J. Blixen - (917307) ...........$5-$8
Abbott Q. Beanster -(510406) .............$15-$18
Abercrombie B. Beanster - (510400-05) ..............$8-$12
Abigail - (902011) ..........$15-$18
Abigail Bramblebeary - (913963) .............$6-$8
Abigail Rose Primsley - (912645) ................ $29-$35
Abner Q. Bearsdale - (919836) ................$18 - $20
Ace Bruin II - (510318) .............$10-$12$
Adam Appleton - (904302) .................$6-$8
Adelaide and Joey Downunder - (55222) ....$5-$7
Adeline B. Appleton - (904301) .............$7-$15
Adeline LaBearsley - (912657) .............$9-$20
Agatha Snoopstein - (91870) ................$6-$8
Aissa Witebred - (912070) ...............$24-$25
Alabaster B. Bigfoot - (51110-01) .............$9-$12
Albert Merrybeary - (915212) ...........$14-$17
Alexander P. Bearsworth - (510901) ..........$5-$6
Alexis Berriman - (912022) ............$15-$25
Alfred Q. Rothsbury - (57004-11) .................$10-$12
Alice B. Patchbeary - (913978) ...............$5-$7
Alicia Bearsley - (919817) ..........$45-$50
Alina - (744120) .................$23-$25
Alisa R. Angel - 51112) ....................$18-$20
Alissa Angelhope - (83004) ...................$18- $20
Alouysius Quackenwaddle - (91860) ..............$17-$20
Alvin - (590069) ..........$12-$15
Alvin Q. Hopster - (522001) ...............$15-$18
Amanda K. Huntington - (912025) ...........$25-$35
Amber B. Oakley - (904001) ..................$29-$32
Amber McPunkin - (904326) .................$5-$6
Amelia R. Hare - (5203) .................$19-$20
Amy Z. Sassycat - (590250-10) ................$35-$49
Andrea Crystalfrost - (904453) ............$20-23
Andrea DeBearvoire - (918102) ....................$5-$6
Andrea Oakley - (904004) ...............$12-$15
Andrei Berriman - (917300-06) ...........$10-$12
Andrew Huntington -(918053) ..............$8-$10
Andrew K. Bridgeport - (904381) ..............$34-$35
Andy B. Pattington - (92001-06) ................$22-$30
Angeline Angelfrost - (744115-06) .................$22-$25
Angelique Angelfrost - (744110-06) ...............$28-$32
Anissa Whittlebear - (912650) ..............$18-$20
Ann Marie - (590066) ................$18-$25
Annabelle Dickens - (904222) ...............$38-$40
Annalee Angelberry - (744117) ................$26-$28
Annie B. Appleton - (904300) ..............$40-$50
Anthony -(#918664)........................................$6-$8
Antoinette DeBearvoire - (918440) .............$8-$10
Anya Frostfire - (912023) .............$30-$45
April Mae - (917445) ..............................$8-$10
April Mae McVeggie - (904240) .........$45-$50
Archibald McBearlie - (91393) ............$7-$9
Ariana Angelwish - (904041) ...............$33-$35
Arlington B. Beanster - (510400-03) ...$28-$30
Armstrong Cattington - (590087-07) ....$4-$5
Arthur C. Bearington - (590060-03) ..........$10-$15
Arthur Oscar - (#919854) ..........$27-$28
Ashley -902004) ..........$20-$25
Ashley Huntington - (918054) ..........$8-$10
Ashlyn Bloomengrows - (912653) ..........$25-$27
Ashlyn LaBearsley -( 918352) ..........$17-$20
Aubrey T. Autumnfest - (904150) ..........$40-$45
Auden S. Penworthy - (57410-11) ..........$5-$6
Aunt Becky Bearchild - (912052) ..........$30-$32
Aunt Bessie Skidoo - (91931) ............$35-$40
Aunt Fanny Fremont - (918350) ................$18-$20
Aunt Mable with Snowy - (90506) ...............$30-$32
Aunt Mamie Bearington - (590104) ....................$4-$5
Aunt Yvonne Dubeary - (918450) ................$25-$30
Auntie Aleena de Bearvoire - (918451) .............$15-$17
Auntie Autumn and Lil' Harvey - (919827) ..........$30-$50
Auntie Lavonne Higgenthorpe - (918452) .............$17-$20
Autumn Fallsbeary - (91745) ....................$14-$15
B. Jay Tweeter - (904264) ................$6-$7
B.E. Bearybloom - (904502) .................$10-$12
Baby Mae Wishkabibble - (90503) ............$10-$12
Baby Mookins - (917820) ..........$9-$13
Baby Noel - (912057) ...............$15-$16
Bailey - (9199-02) ................$42-45
Bailey - (9199-03) ...............$40-$42
Bailey - (9199-04) .................$20-$28
Bailey - (9199-05) ...................$50-$55
Bailey - (9199-06) ................$30-$32
Bailey - (9199-07) .............$16-$18
Bailey - (9199-08) .................$24-$25
Bailey - (9199-09) .............$20-$28
Bailey - (9199-10) ...................$21-$25
Bailey - (9199-11) ....................$15-$18
Bailey - (9199-12) ...............$35-$39
Bailey - (9199-14) ..............$16-$18
Bailey - (9199-15) ...............$40-$45
Bailey - (9199-16) ................$25-$30
Bailey - (9199-17) ................$20-$45
Bailey - (9199-18) ..................$18-$20
Bailey - (9199-19) ..................$18-$20
Bailey - (9199-20) ...............$28-$30
Bailey - (9199-21) ..............$20-$25
Bailey - (9199-22) ..............$20-$22
Bailey - (9199-23) ................$20-$26
Bailey - (9199-24) .............$16-$20
Bailey - (9199-25) ....................$14-$15
Bailey - (9199-26) .................$12-$20
Bailey - (9199-27) ..................$18- $20
Bailey - (9199-28) ...............$19- $22
Bailey (Black) -(9199-01) .....$100-$110
Bailey (Navy) - (9199-01) .............$150-$155
Bamboo Bearington -( 590030) ..............$49-$50
Bandit Bushytail - (552110) ...... $5-$8
Barney B. Bugsley - (510823) ................$24-$25
Bart Barkenfarkle - (540303) .................$10-$12
Bartlett - (904164) .................$7-$8
Becca B. Starlsey -(904523) ...............$9-$10
Becca Bearheart - (904080) .............$38-$40
Bedford Boneah II - (582910-05) ................$18-$20
Beggin' D. Bones -(#918669)......$9-$10
Benjamin Shutterbear - (92005-08) ...............$13 - $15
Benson Hopsalot - (533182) ....................$13-$15
Benson T. Hopabout - (916503) ............$14-$15
Bentley B. Woodsley - (92002-11) ..................$17-$20
Bernadette DeBearvoire - (918443) .............$5-$7
Bess W. Pattington - (92001-02) .................$18-$25
Bessie Moostein - (5532) .....$9-$10
Bethany Bearington - (#590053-01) ..........$18-$30
Bethany Thistlebeary - (913955) ..............$7-$9
Betsie B. Jodibear - (92000-07) ................$18-$20
Betsy Bouquet - (94329) .........$9-$10
Betty Jane Maybeary - (918454) .............$5-$6
Biddle Beezley - (904115) ..............$8-$9
Biff Grizzwood - (912617) ..........$23-$25
Big Ben Bearhugs - (500050-05) ..............$150-$215
Big Harry - (500054) ...................$185-$200
Big Jake - (919845) ..........$150-$160
Billy & Friends - (919865) ..........$27-$35
Billy Bob Bruin w/ Froggie - (912622) .........$19-$20
Bingle Beartoes - (510010) ................... $9-$10
Bixie - (# 56501-10) .........................$11-$13
Bixvy Trufflebear - (56390-10) ..........$10-$12
BJ Bearricane - (83003) ...........$21-$25
Blair P. Bridgeport - (904380) ...............$52-$54
Blake B. Wordsworth - (5745-06) ...............$3-$5
Blarney O'Bear - (919882) ...........$33-$35
Bluebeary - (# 56421-06) .................................$12-$13
Blueberry - (590063) ..........$7-$10
Bobber - (904133) .................$8-$10
Bobbi Jo Bearican - (904252) .................$23-$25
Bobbi Kat - (530400) ................$2-$3
Bobbi McBobble - (510306-01) .......................$14-$15
Boots Alleyruckus - (5308-07) ...............$10-$21
Boris Berriman - (918021) .............$15-$16
Bosc P. Pearsley - (904163) .............$12-$13
Bowser Barksalot - (54000) .................$8-$10
Braden P. Oakley - (904002) ..................$25-27
Bradford -(57052-08) .................$5-$6
Brady Bearimore - (918321) ............$13-$17
Bramble B. Thumperton - (58340-03) ...............$18-$20
Brandon Michael - (510311) .............$10-$12
Braxton B. Bear - (51081-08) ...............$28-$30
Breezy T. Frostman - (91522) ........$11-$13
Brett B. Bearican - (904253) ................$14-$15
Brewster T. Bear - (912627) ...........$19-$21
Brian Q. Fuzzworth - (919860) .........$20-$35
Brianna and Cuddles - (902010) .......$18-$20
Brianna B. Bearican ("919831) ...........$18-$20
Brianna Tippeetoes - (913959) ...........$8-$10
Bridgette Beardeaux - (904316) ..............$5-$6
Brie - (5756) ................$9-$15
Brigham Boneah II - (582910) ......................$24-$25
Brinkley Bearsdale - (510811) ...................$10-$12
Bristol B. Windsor - (57052-03) ..............$5-$8
Brittney Q. Hopplebuns - (916633) ...............$8-$10
Brooke B. Bearsley -(917400) ...........$10-$13
Brooke Q. Jodibear - (92000-26) .................$6-$8
Bubba Kringle -(919875) ..........$32-$36
Buffie Bunnyhop - (522700-03) .................$5-$6
Buford B. Beezley - (904112) ...............$19-$20
Bumbershoot B. Jodibear (92000-03) ..........$9-$12
Bumble B. Bugsley - (918700) ................$10-$12
Bumble B. Buzzoff - (917730) ............$10-$12
Bumbley B. Bear - (510405) ..............$18-$20
Bundles B. Joy & Blankie - (# 5639-04) ..........$8-$12
Burke P. Bear - (5109-05) ................$9-$16
Burlington P. Beanster - (510400-07) ............$10-$21
Buster McRind - (915503) ...............$8-$10
Buttercup Pufflefluff - (# 56398-12) ..........$9-$15
C. Carryout Bearington - (590106) .......................$8-$10
C. D. Peeker - (904414) ...............$4-$5
C. Z. Comet - (917308) ............$18-$20
C.C. Boobear -(904201) .............$17-$19
C.C. Peekers - (913984) .............$9-$10
C.J. Cherrybeary - 9904092) .................$16-$18
Caledonia - (5840-01) .....................$10-$12
Calvin Cooper - (904403) ..................$17-$20
Cambridge Q. Bearrister - (57003-08) ..............$18-$20
Campbell Marie - (919838) .............$10-$12
Camryn - (919839) ...............$12 - $14
Camryn B. Bear - (510312) ...............$10-$12
Camryn B. Pearsley - (904162) .................$15-$19
Candy B. Corn - (919633) ...............$8-$10
Cara Z. Bunnyhugs - (91649) .............$12-$15
Cari Carrot (904246) .................$6-$7
Carly Crystalfrost - (904186) .................$16-$18
Carlyle Wordsworth -(57440-01) ................$5-$6
Carmela Cocobeary - (904334) ............. $13-$15
Carmella de Bearvoire - (918401) .........$5-$7
Carol Anne Primsley - (913979) ............$10-$12
Caroline Mayflower - (913958) ...............$18-$20
Carrie N. Lotsalove (82518) ...............$9-$10
Carson B. Barker - (540300-05) ................$10-$14
Cassie B. Nibbles - (58290-01) .................$12-$14
Cassie Cooper - (904404) .............$17-$20
Caterina Purrsley - (531102) ...................$14-$15
Catherine Q. Fuzzberg - (5303-08) ............$8-$10
Cathy J. Hiphop - (917030) ...............$14-$16
Catia Clawford - (91712) ...........$9-$12
Catterina Cuddlepuss - (53110-03) ..............$24-$25
Cecelia DeBearvoire - (918101) ...................$8-$10
Cecelia T. Bearington - (590056) ................$25-$40
Cedar T. Woodsley - (92002-08) ..................$12-$15
Celana Celeste Angelwish - (904043) .............$23-$24
Celeste Angeltrust w/Hope - Limited Edition - (900101) ....$10-$25
Chamomille Q. Quignapple - (91004) ...........$18-$20
Chandler Crystalfrost - (904182) ................$18-$20
Chanelle Cocobeary - (904330) .............$20-$30
Chantelle Chapeau - (918448) ..............$5-$6
Chardonnay Beardeaux - (904310) .............$16-$35
Charles - (904225) .............$8-$9
Charlotte B. Beezley - (904111) ..............$24-$29
Chase Bearimore - (913930 ) ..........$13-$15
Chase Starsley - (904524) ............$5-$6
Checkers P. Hydrant - (54051-07) ................ $14-$15
Chedda - (5756-06) ...............$24-$25
Cheese N. Crackers - (#918667).....................$8-$10
Cheryl Ann Cooper - (904402) ..............$33-$35
Cheryl S. Grammykins - (912664) ..........$24-$26
Chester B. Bearsworth - (57253-05) ..................$5-$6
Chester L. Snicklepuss - (530803) ................$10-$12
Chopsticks - (51200-07) .............$12-$17
Christian - (9190) ...............$6-$18
Christiana LaBearsley - (918446) ...............$5-$6
Christine P. Plumbeary - (918355) .................$14-$15
Chuck Woodbeary - (917366) ...........$14-$15
Chutney Cheeseworthy - (916710) ...........$10-$12
Cindy McSnoozle - (904064) ............$24-$25
Cindyrella - (91777) ..........$14-$25
Cinnebelle McPunkin - (904320) ...........$52-$55
Clark S. Bearhugs - (918055) ...............$6-$10
Claudette Beardeaux - (904317) ........$5-$6
Claudette Prissypuss - (12091-08) .............$23-$25
Claudine de la Plumtete - (91710) ............$12-$15
Claus Kringlebeary - (917311-01) ............$30-$35
Clem Cladiddlebear - (500070-08) ................$55-$60
Clementine - (913953) ..............$12-$15
Cleveland G. Bearington - (# 590042-03) .......$24-$35
Clover I. Buzzoff - (91772) ...........$10-$12
Coalcracker Ninelives - (53040-07) ...............$14-$16
Colette Dubeary -("918439) ...............$5-$
Colleen Strawbeary - (904533) ..............$34-$35
Comfy Goodfriends - (903128) ......... $9-$10
Conner D. Devilbear - (919632) ...........$12-$15
Constance - (91202-01) ..........$10-@5
Cookie Grimilkin - (5306) .............$30-$35
Cooper T. Wishkabibble - (90502) ............$14-$15
Cora B. Applesmith - (912634) .................$28-$32
Corabelle Hoofenutter - (55320-11) ......$10-$12
Corey Allen Bearsmoore - (912616) ...........$18-$20
Cori Beariburg - (915211) ..............$11-$12
Cornelius McPunkin - (904321) ..............$21-$23
Cornelius Q. Bearsmith - (#919866) ..........$25 - $50
Corny Mooseltreat - (904342) ...............$8-$9
Cory Q. Starsley - (904522) ...............$15-$16
Cottage McNibble - (91673) ............$5-$8
Cotton Bunnytoes - (522801-08) ...............$4-$5
Cousin Marty with Rover - (90508) ...............$17-$19
Cousin Matilda with Ted - (90507) ............$14-$15
Cranbeary N. Bear - (500100-02) ...................$5-$8
Craxton B. Bean - (510300-11) ..................$18-$20
D.L. Merrill - (51100-05) ..............$24-$25
Dabney P. Powderfoot - (58290-10) ................$18-$20
Dahlia - (90062) ....................$18-$2
Daisey Dubeary - (919884) ..........$22-$35
Daisy Bloomengrows - (913964) ............$10-$12
Dalton Monkbury - (55242-08) ....$10-$13
Dandy and Doodles Shutterbear - (92003-06) ............$22-$25
Darby Beariburg - (913960) ..............$7-$9
Darwin Monkbury - (5524-05) .....$11-$15
Dawn Marie - (902023) ..........$20-$22
Dawnifer - (919891) ..........$17-$24
Dawson B. Bearsworth - (57150-08) ................$25-$30
Dazey Ewe - (913122) .............. $18-$20
Dazie - (590061) ................ $18-$20
Dean S. Bearslot - (510501) ..............$25-$30
Debbie Starsley - (904520) .............$38-$45
Dee C. Washington - (919843) ...........$25-$35
Delanie B. Beansford - (51101-10) ................$28-$30
Delanie D. Hopplebuns - (912078) .........$30-$32
Delbert Quignapple - (91003) ..........$19-$20
Denise N. Daisydew (904070) ............$45-$50
Denton P. Jodibear - (92000-06) ................$15-$18
Derby Scruffles -(510702) .............$5-$6
Derry O. Beary - (57252-05) .................$4-$5
Devin - (904344) ..................$13-$14
Devin Fallsbeary - (912621) ............$28-$30
Dickens - (500051) ................$45-$189
Dickens Q. Wordsworth - (5745-03) ..............$5-$6
Dingle B. Bumbles - - (904116) ..............$6-$7
Dingle Beartoes - (510011) ...............$9-$10
Dippy D. Hopplebuns - (904142) .............$14-$15
Dixie Hackett - (918334) ..........$5-$9
Dolley M. Jodibear - (92000-23) ................$8-$10
Domino - (57004-07) ..............$14-$15
Donna Duck - (590068) ...................$22-$25
Donna Scarvesdale - (918455) ...................$4-$5
Donovan B. Bear - (510403) ...............$15-$18
Doolittle Buckshot - (51200-08) ................$10-$12
Doomoore Buckshot - (51200-03) ..................$8-$10
Dorchester Catsworth w/ Artie - (919760) ...........$5-$25
Doreen Q. Daisydew - (904071) ...........$22-$25
Dorothea Laceley - (918345) ...............$10-$12
Dorothy B. Beansley - (82525) .....................$8-$10
Dottie B. Bug - (913936) .............$7-$8
Dover D. Windsor - (57051-03) ....................$8-$10
Dreyfus Q. Wordsworth - (5745-07) .................$5-$6
Dubley - (510309) ..............$12-$15
Duffy P. Hydrant - (540301-07) .................$19-$20
Duncan Doodledog - (54040-11) .....................$14-$15
Dunkin' - (917381) .............$8-$10
Dunston J. Bearsford - (57251-07) ...................$5-$6
Dustin D. Bearican - (904251) .................$14-$15
Dutch P. Beansford - (510301-08) ...............$10-$12
Dwight D. Bearington - (590081-03) ...............$18- $20
Dylan T. Beansford - (510402-11) ...............$27-$28
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